Automated Workflows

With over a decade of research in AECO automation, I have developed these workflows to empower you with the tools you need to succeed. Built on Open-Source Software and Standards, these workflows enable you to take control of your projects, streamline your processes, and unlock your full potential without the constraints of costly subscriptions.


Site Analysis with QGIS

Harness the power of geospatial data to gain deeper insights and perform effective site analysis ...

BIM-based High Performance Design with FreeCAD, Openstudio and ifcOpenShell

Gain a competitive edge by understanding your building’s energy performance from the earliest sta...

Performance-Based Generative Design with Open-Source Software and Standards

Empower your practice with access to state-of-the-art generative design methods with Open-Source ...

IoT Sensing and Visualization with FROST-Server, Grafana and CesiumJS

Leverage IoT sensors to enhance your research and design experiments with cutting-edge data. Comm...

Rapid Software Development with geomie3d and pyqtgraph

Develop project-specific 3D software using these libraries and the Python ecosystem.